Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday the 13th!

So, we had a really good day yesterday. The Summer Camp of Death! crew had a little meeting with an important person over at MTV to discuss the show. The pitch went really well and there was a lot of interest expressed. I'm not getting my hopes up too much since I've had a lot of interest in this show before by another network, but it's always good to come away from the first meeting with plans for a second. Besides, I scheduled the meeting on Friday the 13th on purpose! It just makes too good of a story, doesn't it? If MTV picks this thing up, then I can say in interviews that we made our first deal with MTV on Friday the 13th! Too cool! So, I'm busy scrambling to get some materials together for the next phase.

Meanwhile, I built the scratch track audio for the next webtoon today! The good news is that it's the best one yet. The bad news (for me) is that it's about 3 and a half minutes instead of the 2 that I was shooting for. It's a Friday the 13th tribute but unfortunately it will not be finished for quite a while. I was hoping for the end of the month, but with it being a full 1.5 minutes longer than expected, forget it! If anyone is interested in hearing the audio while you're waiting for the finished product, please let me know.

In celebration of my good meeting, I bought the remastered Halloween DVD and of course the original Friday the 13th DVD. I just watched it recently but didn't have a copy of my own and more than that, I wanted my own copy of the cover art which I posted above. What a cool poster! I also bought Shaun of the Dead which I'm looking forward to watching tonight! Have a great weekend folks!

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