Friday, July 13, 2007

13th of Friday! Preview


Here we are! Another Friday the 13th, and we are still busy HACKING AWAY on our latest short film, "The 13th of Friday!". Boy, it's taking forever! But rest assured, progress IS being made. We currently have a team of five animators who are taking on scenes. Thomas is about to finish the theme song, and we are going to make a special cut-down version for the opening titles/credits to use with all of our short films. We hope to be finished by Halloween. Check out this small preview of the storyboard/animatic.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Latest Fan Sketch

Here's the latest fan sketch! It accompanied the FREE stickers that went out to the last person who signed up as an official Summer Camp of Death! fan. That's right, FREE STICKERS! And yes, you get a FREE SKETCH TOO! Pretty cool, huh?

What's even cooler about this one, is that it's the first ever Sanchez sketch. And he doesn't even have a sticker yet! But I'm renewing my promise to make one, so it's now on the top of the list of 'things to do'.