The Summer Camp of Death! website is (mostly) complete! After working for several hours over the weekend and the last few days it's now at a point that I consider "good enough" to launch. I already have in mind several things to add to make it better and more fun to look at, which I'll be working on over the next several months. For now, there are some cool things to check out. In addition to the movies you can watch, there are early development sketches like this one: well as sketches of counselors you've never met - the GIRL counselors! You can't have an animated summer camp slasher parody without 'em! Also, you can get FREE stickers, that's right, FREE STICKERS just by signing up as a S.C.O.D. fan, and you could just pretend to like the show to get 'em. I won't know the difference!
One of the things I want to add is an animated intro to the site. It'll visually tell some of the back story. And, of course, I'm already thinking about the next movie. I'm tossing around the idea of producing the 15 minute pilot episode. I'd really like to tell a whole story at this point. We'll see. Until then, enjoy the site!
This self-titled piece is the original idea that started it all. Not meant as a story, but as a slice of life showing what it's like for these incompetent, teenage, summer-camp counselors who are destined to relive horror after horror amidst typical teenage buffoonery. ____________________________________________________________
...or, you can watch the original, and much larger version at Here's a brief history of what happened. We had been working on "Wet Dreams" for months and finally finished it a couple of weeks ago. I loaded it up on YouTube late one Saturday night, and woke up the next morning to find that it had already been seen 29 times! I also found out that it had been yanked for some unknown reason. Maybe it was too racy. Maybe the topless girl was too much? Or, maybe the unlicensed music I was using did it. I wasn't sure because the email from YouTube was vague. So, I finally found the time to make a "YouTube Friendly" version. Originally, Summer Camp of Death! is an idea that we've been pitching to different networks, and these little shorts like "Wet Dreams" were never meant to be seen by the public, so I was scoring them with some of my favorite rock songs. But this latest short turned out so well, and the network executives are taking their time getting back to us, that we decided we couldn't wait to let our creation be a part of this here world of ours. So, the version that you can see up on the site now, will soon have its audio replaced with the audio track from the YTF version, and I guess I'll need to do that for the pitch cartoon as well. But for now, you early birds can see the art as it was originally created. Oh, and please take the time to rate the YTF version. We were up so late last night getting this thing ready, that sometime around 4 a.m., I tried to rate it myself and accidentally gave it only 2 stars! Woops! That's what I get for trying to cheat. P.S. The website was launched last night along with the YouTube posting, so it has some technical errors, some bugs that still need to be worked out. There's much work to be done!